Wednesday, May 11, 2016

loneliness and isolation of laying on the beach

not sure how everything slipped away that far
seems like just yesterday we were afloat
on the same ship sailing for the same green
paradise the same dark dream of survival

once shone lit like sunset, our boat now
capsized, us stranded on different islands
how will one fathom to recognize the beauty
of what once was when it must never be again

seems like the water is more frightening now
without you, the reef has sliced my flesh
and was leaving us for dead, but i swam
for the sake of myself, and you for yours

finding islands, patches of green of our own
of trees and hills and coconuts and beaches
where we will enjoy ourselves more than
we ever have before, eating flowers 

until evening then using the night 
to relax even further into the skins we call ourselves
even further away from what it means to talk
but a sense of calmness pervades

knowing that some warm day we will both venture
away from our islands for a swim in hoping to
gain coolness under a generous day
both hoping we will see each other in passing

imagining that we might embrace on sight
hoping that we do not pass accidentally
without recognition, as strangers do
the eagerness of a child, i will not feel regret
only foolishness in thinkning that we 
would never know what we did on our islands alone.

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